Increasing conversion rate through an improved UX

10.8% increase in website conversion rate
69.3% decrease in checkout abandonment
13.7% increase in session duration on product pages
The brief
Never standing still, Nest were looking for opportunities to further optimise their successful eCommerce website. An opportunity was identified to review and improve the UX of the website's eCommerce content, chiefly the PLP and PDP templates.
The brief was to improve the UX by serving users with all of the information they need to make an informed purchasing decision, in a logical and engaging way. By doing so, the website would stand to benefit from an increased conversion rate, as users feel totally confident in the website and the company.

The solution
The redesign project was split into two legs. We were responsible for the technical implementation of the project.
Nest provided Venditan with the new design system.
Our responsibility was to establish a thorough understanding of the technical requirements lying underneath the complex redesign, so that we could deliver the development project successfully.
With this project, we opted to complete the development work over the course of several, smaller legs.
This allowed us to isolate deliverables based on the design system's varying technical requirements.
We then worked through the development tasks, following the project milestones.
Each milestone concluded with a formal review to address feedback points and work towards sign-off.
Why redesign a successful website?
As user expectations and the eCommerce landscape continue to evolve, Nest found themselves in a pivotal moment in 2022, realizing the need to revisit their online presence.
In a highly competitive digital environment, they recognised the importance of Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) to ensure sustained growth and success, prompting a comprehensive review of their eCommerce content and strategies.
User expectations and preferences change over time. By continually reviewing and improving our clients' websites, we can ensure that they remain aligned with the latest design trends, user experience best practices, and technological advancements.
Nest last worked on a redesign project in 2018, which we developed. They have been using our platform for inventory and customer management after an initial integration with their existing website in 2013.Fast forward to 2022 and it was time to once again review their fundamental eCommerce content, ensuring that it stands up strongly in a highly competitive digital landscape.
Failure to meet these evolving expectations can lead to a decrease in conversion rate, so in this ever-evolving eCommerce landscape, it is vital that online retailers work to ensure the long-term success and sustained growth of their websites.
By studying user behaviour, conducting A/B tests, and analysing conversion rates, we can make data-driven decisions to improve a website's effectiveness. This might involve redesigning certain pages, improving the navigation system, simplifying the checkout process, or implementing personalised recommendations.
With consistent traffic, if you can increase your conversion rate you will generate more revenue. It's that simple.
How did Venditan help?
We were responsible for the technical implementation of the new vision; Nest provided us with a design system coupled with the new designs. This work was undertaken externally and provided to us as part of our brief.
This is how we approached the project.

1. We reviewed the design system
Making wholesale changes to a design system can result in severe negative impacts if the work is not methodically planned. We began by establishing a thorough understanding of the technical requirements lying underneath the complex redesign.
Through this exploration, we discovered that many design elements needed further clarification. For example, how users would interact with the product image carousel, colour swatch UI and a proposed Add to Basket overlay.
2. We mapped the development project into milestones
We detailed the interaction, the design, the different scenarios and the permutations. We coupled these with screenshots to make it clear what is expected and when. We also added the logic we’d use to determine what is shown to the user. This was then presented to the client so that a shared understanding could be achieved.
By frontloading the project we were able to dramatically reduce the risks associated with the development leg, and ensure both Venditan and Nest could move forward with confidence.

3. We worked through the redevelopment
The main objective was to build trust and reduce user anxiety by improving the design and user experience of these pages. A review of the existing designs focused on the following questions:
What are the priority elements that users need to interact with?
What is a logical interface (the overall layout) for Nest’s product mix?
How can website interactions (animations, effects) enhance the user experience?
How clear and easy can we make the website processes (add to basket, initiate checkout)?
How can we display product content (description, returns, specifications) so that it is easy to locate and digestible?
Therefore, the redevelopment work focused on making significant changes to the PLP and PDP interfaces. As is standard, work was completed in a staging environment to begin with, allowing Nest the opportunity to test and approve development work before milestones were accomplished.
What changed, and why?
Helping Nest build trust through an improved interface that serves the user with everything they need.Explore the key updates and additions that were made to the website's interface.
These updates encompass a range of improvements, optimising the visual layout and information hierarchy to reduce user anxiety and increase the conversion rate.

Improved PLP merchandising
The new PLP interface offers an enhanced browsing experience by displaying variation information (colours), time sensitive stock information, and confirmation of which products are available for free shipping.
Displaying this information as part of the merchandising encourages users to click-through on the product of their choice. They are now already one step ahead of their research, and can proceed to a product safe in the knowledge that they are engaging with one that meets their requirements.
Rich product information
Changes were made to the hierarchy of product information below the fold, too.
Product pages are developed to load with the Details tab automatically open. This makes it more likely that the user will take notice of the important information on dimensions, materials and finishes - as well as the subsequent tabs on manufacturing and delivery.
To encourage engagement with the product media, the decision was made to display the full gallery of images and videos in a carousel below the featured image.

Improved PLP merchandising
The new PLP interface offers an enhanced browsing experience by displaying variation information (colours), time sensitive stock information, and confirmation of which products are available for free shipping.
Displaying this information as part of the merchandising encourages users to click-through on the product of their choice. They are now already one step ahead of their research, and can proceed to a product safe in the knowledge that they are engaging with one that meets their requirements.

Toni-Anne Dunleavy
Managing Director, Nest
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Spend less and achieve more with Venditan Commerce. It combines best-in-class modules and intelligent management systems, powering your growth and managing every aspect of your online and physical operations from a single point of control.