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eCommerce & Retail Insights

Keep up to date with the latest news and insight from the team at Venditan

Today’s eCommerce customer pain points
Putting today's eCommerce customer pain points on your radar.
Steph Fenton
Head of Client Services
Gen A and the future of order management
How Generation Alpha may impact order management and fulfilment.
Andrew Flynn
Head of Digital Marketing
19 warehouse efficiency tips
Simple tips to consider for a more efficient warehouse operation.
Mark Hesketh
Senior Developer
Min read
Our guide to first-time cross-border eCommerce
Simplifying the mechanics of a successful international eCommerce strategy.
Andrew Flynn
Head of Digital Marketing
Min read
eCommerce KPIs - 59 metrics that matter
A complete shopping list of KPIs that you can use to monitor your eCommerce performance.
Steph Fenton
Head of Client Services
Min read
10 retail and eCommerce trends for 2024
Trends that we believe are going to shape retail and eCommerce in 2024 and beyond.